Bangalore Traffic police is really very efficient and must be awarded for its efficiency.
With such an uncivilized traffic Bangalore can not survive a day without traffic Police. They really work hard in Sun and Rain and put their life in risk due to these irresponsible motorists.
However the traffic department must insure that only eligible person should get the driving License. If the staff of RTO office issues driving license without insuring that the person is well trained and responsible, he not only commit a crime on their part but also puts the life of other Traffic inspector in risk who stands in the middle of the Road to regulate traffic.
If the same motorist commits multiple mistakes than the License issuing officer must be punished also along with the motorist.
Also the Traffic Police must refrain themselves from helping people with Addresses and direction because even they do this with good intension but it comes in the way of their duty. One more thing they can do is keep away the beggars and hawkers who comes in the way of traffic.
Overall Experience : Good
How many times have you visited this ministries/Dept. : 2