The bitter experience I got by applying in new horizon....I was among the first 20 members who took the admission form for our daughter for the LKG section .we had to take one day leave and stood 2 hours in the que to get the form .it cost around 300 Rs.
We were called for the interview on 25 th of nov.we waited for 2 hour and was called inside the principals cabin.Before this our daughter had to give a separate interview which am sure she would have done well.we went inside the cabin and the first thing she told us was that already the admissions r over and would we like to put the child in there new branch in madivala.
We r the residents staying very near to the school and how can the lady ask this to us...i consider that the issueing of admission form itself is a business for them ..all the parents might get cheated like this so have another choice before getting the forms ..i suggest the parents not to try in such business minded schools instead try for other schools which give value for education...