How is Bangalore? If someone asks me I would say it?s the place where we cannot travel.
I was there in Bangalore on a personal visit through Deccan airways and to my surprise I was held up in the traffic for 1 hour near airport road ? and again at BTM layout. Of course Flyover construction is going on ? and that this does not mean that traffic should be more on these roads, but they should find other alternate to provide traffic free roads. I was shocked to see the traffic and it took me 3 hours to reach 15kms of stretch which I never faced in Hyderabad.
What I heard is Bangalore is the future of IT ? But I don?t know what these IT companies are doing? I would say its better to keep away from Bangalore till they come up with good infrastructure.
I hope Bangalore will be a garden city and it will be back so that people like me can visit again for the climate which it gives.
I prefer Hyderabad for good roads and good infrastructure which the previous Chief Minister has build ? the cyber bad of the Future.