I am from Bhopal. I have stayed in places like Delhi, Gujarat and Mumbai. I came to Bangalore in Feb 2012 as my husband got transferred here. I thought as compared to Delhi, Bangalore will be much safer to live. But I was wrong. South Indians hate to see north Indians in their state.
Once I was waiting for my husband in the car as he went to purchase some household stuff. There was this guy who shouted at me and told me to move my car. I told him my car is parked in the corner and its not blocking the way. So he started banging on my car. I immediately opened the door and this guy slapped me.When my husband came to save me this guy started hitting him. We called the police but that guy did not stop and in front of the police man he tried to break the windshield of my car. And to my horror the police man did not even try to stop him.
We were so scared that we left that place asap. This was not the only incident South Indians behaved so badly with us just because we were north Indians. South Indians and Auto rickshaw drivers will abuse you because you cant speak Kannada. So I will say that Bangalore is not at all safe for any North Indian. Do think twice before coming here!
P.S Even police and traffic police will not support you if you are a north Indian. They only favor their people(South Indians).