After staying here for more than 6 years I am qualified to right a review on my beloved city.
This Review is not Related to Travel it all About Bangalore Metro City.
Its Lengthy But its Very Informative. Enjoy it
Yes its a fact The Roads here are not big enough to handle traffic today.Some how Bangalore Administration missed "excellent or Adequate" planning 10 years ago:)
Agree from past 8-10 years they are doing there best to interconnect city internal parts with Outer ring road, Proposed Peripheral ring road and Metro. But Its already late compared to its peer southern cities Hyderabad\Chennai.
But what is Advantage Bangalore? Its weather and Warm people which make Bangalore a Universal Brand certainly not Government\Administration here. I can straight away comment they are bit back-end or possibly corrupted. Yes corrupted they will take Bribes openly go to any Registrar office you will understand what they are up to.Agree Others too are corrupted but not as open as Admin here:)
Peripheral Outer ring road which is suppose to be another life line for Bangalore is proposed 10 years back still no real work:( what an pity my Bangalore.
NICE road which connect southern external parts of Bangalore is private one and they charge hefty toll fees yes hefty for 30km 2 wheeler 40 rupees and 4 wheeler its 140 rupees.
Currently BMTC is only full fledged pubilc tranport Inshort Namma metro is going to add its feather in Bangalore Hat.
BMTC is costly, provide less connectivity and More crowded compared to Its peers in southern parts(Hyd and Chennai)when I am new to bangalore Its funny to see almost every service run towards Main city bus stand only yes some how BMTC missed better internal connectivity. They deploy dedicated routes from Any area to city bus stand only Not between areas:( Surely BMTC aimed\Axed to be better profit making organisation surely not People\City oriented.
Surely we will feel uneasy if we depend on BMTC.
Buses are Overcrowded
Charges are high(1 stage - 4, 3r stage -7 4th stage - 9 for long distance its ok 15/-)
Connectivity is Poor(Some how its better now I ma seeing better connectivity now).
Thats where Autowallas are making there Dandha. They will never be satisfied with Meter ratings they demand there own rates:(.
Believe me once(3 years back) an auto driver charged me 90 rupees(it should be 24 at that time) for 3km and he felt its most reasonable. I pity myself being an IT guy why because I am being cheated every where any time:) jokes apart
Hats off for bringing Vajra(volvo) services which will combact\Move office goers in Cars but again charges are High:((1 stage - 10, 3-15, 4-25, .60).
BMTC Do you beilve only making profit common you should be city\people oriented not money oreinted. I saw in some news paper in some route they are going to cancel a Vajra service why becaz they are getting 42rs/km where as 46/km is break even for profit:(
Namma Metro
Seems Connectivity is good should wait for some more time to see its real potential Agian Cost seems be not cheap
FOOD: 7/10
Getting Good food in Bangalore is Big headache. Unlike Hyderabad we will not see tasty and spicy food at every corner of city.
They are limited only to few like MTR, Maiyyas and Nandhini etc which make eating good and tasty food a costly affair
There are lot of darshinis which are good enough to serve food at reasonable rates but definitely not tasty food. I am from Andhra so my toungue wont suit less tasty food:(
though I like some cuisines of Local food like Bisbele bath(yummy) I hate the concept of half cooked curries from Local cuisine. So Almost 90% I stick to my Andhra food which we will get any where in bangalore.
I tasted food from MTR its very good But I decided its not completely edible for me(Half cooked curries though Healthy)
Places where we can good\Tasty food [My View]
Food street, VV puram
Nandhana\nandini palace
Chung wah, 80 feet road, Indira Nagar(its not Chain only one is at Indiranagar)
Barbeque nation(Yummy:) but costly:()
Definitely I miss Yummy Hyderabad Food here
PEOPLE: 9/10
Most Warm and whole hearten people with Mix of Majority Kannadigas.
Its not difficult to find a community for any state in Bangalore. I am proud to say 80-90% feel themselves as Bangaloreans.
Official language here is Kannada and yes they are preserving there language too with love towards mother tongue unlike Rub it on others head in Chennai. I am still baking Kannada to be my Adopted Mother Tongue:)
Hyderabad already left Telugu in Air:(
People here had more civic sense. Just look the traffic no body will cross when a red is there and challenge a Traffic police counter to my observation at Hyderabad.
Leisure internally in city means Malls, Malls and then Malls again Malls:(
No more other than Malls:(
In Hyderabad I used to roam a lot of heritage sites, Parks, finally never ending Hussain sagar etc etc:)
Cinema here is too costly affair. Tickets rate will touch 200 on weekends dont know why they are en cashing on demand(completely Unethical practice in Business). Again I will blame so called City Admin\Govt officials for allowing cheap ethics of business.
COL in Bangalore Increased drastically from past 5-6 years
whats not rents shooted up 50%, transportation again 50-70%
To rent a House we need to shell out 10 months of rent as Advance which I beilve its fairly not good practice. Surely they way prices are shooting up is a killing business for Bangalore.we should agree the fact majority of people here are from IT background so sabhe chalta hai:(.
Hyderabad is most cost sensitive 8/10 compared to Bangalore
Bannerghatt Zoo
Forum Mall
Viseshwerayya Museum
Why I gave 8/10 Wait there is some thing more to explore around Bangalore. Just cross Bangalore border you will altogether enter into a different world with Mix of Heritage, Nature and whats not. Week end Outing at Bangalore is real fun there are around 60-70 attractions in and around Bangalore with in 200kms. I love it and I covered almost 30 of them
Shiva Gange
Devarayan Durga
Nandi Hills
Savana Durga
Big Baniyan Tree
Shiva Samudra
Tala Kad
Belmur falls
Kolar 1 laks Shiva lIngas temple
Final verdict:(My own take)
I prefer to stay at Bangalore than any other Metro in India(even Hyderabad being an Andhrite)
Because of Warm people, excellent weather and True Indian City(Unlike Marathi fight in Mumbai or Telengana Lolli in Hyderabad, For all of them only one word we are Indians and thrive to be Indians. Dont try to get reservation using Caste, Language and Statehood Because what ever money we are earning is truly because of Globalization not because of our Dirty Govt policies or our talent[Yes are we making one world class product to sell?, its hard to digest but sadly its true]