The title goes this way - stray dogs are found on road - so does the traffic cop,
next - there are few posted on hot heavy traffic signals - work like dogs expecting nothing and just doing their duty - hats off to them - but again dogs are dogs rite- they get their share of bribe in the evening when total cash collected is shared .
at mg road the cop signals me to pass and move on - I nod to him and take a right turn just to find a cop sitting on his bike - stopping me and fining me for jumping signal - 2001
at brigade road - just opp to show off - the road is a one way - without any sign board saying so?
I argued with the cop - result got fined for harsh behaviour.2000
since then have broken many laws of traffic - just to pull these dogs legs but in vain. now currently follow rules - but again get caught .
since yesterday have been caught by these stray dogs - hungry for money - at 6 diff locations all following signal after signal, y the fcuk do they do this - cant they have a system of issuing a authenticated certificate for holding proper documents - MF - Bstrds.
Beware - Stray dogs can be hit or run over by our vehicles - but these cop dogs?
we live in traffic nearly 4-10 hrs in a day in bangalore and get assaulted by these dogs- I pity bangaloreans.