Hii friends Im going to share over collage Bangalore university bad experience Bangalore university is a worst university because there all Bangalore collage people speeking badly in this university not given proper exam date and exam pize also very hig all poor people are studing in Bangalore university only but that university Macking pize cost off. Highly and No proper response that university and its looking not good its there is all stafs also wont do proper work and if I apply any conversation they wont give soonly all stafs are asking money only one exam marks shift will also wont get properly the students it wont get any kind off Govt jobs and pvt jobs all students are suffering more that time if Im also didnt my 2sem Mark shift in my collage and no proper paying exam pize also there. Looking area also not good but some university its looking out side onky its very nice but this Bangalore university out side looking area all are not good they will playing student life in exam time they will selling exam questions paper also there is some more stafs so in Bangalore university studying peploe more suffering