Banggood is a good e-commerce site compare to other foreign sites
It sells all things . Like electric itms ( resberypie , robots, Arduino) and I think it is very market to purachase this type of things . I personally use it twise a day . even find my interstings things.
But it have a some problem the site doesnt have costly items. I always like to purchase costly electronics items but it have about 5-10k stocks .
I should have to add more items. And foreign items.
Recently I watched a touch sceen and was thinking market have these types of sites . and got surprised and find many thinks .
But it need more costly items not focus only on accessories.
And when I click on filter button and click on price up button and takes back it take default but I want to set it for temparory . bannggood should have fix this .
So this is my personal review .