This is wrost bank I had ever visit.i hate the people working there.i dont know about the other branches but my area branch service is very bad.
One week before, I had visited the bank for applying new atm card.i just ask the informer that what I have to do for new apply, he just answer that COME TOMORROW, I again asked sir by giving respect to him but he argied I told you that you have to come tomorrow.
Means if you asked the same question again they become angry on you and start behaving with you like a animal you are.
Again I visited next day, they again told come on this day, that day.means from one week I am facing date problem.
The behaviour of the workers there, waa very bad and rubish.they even didnt help the illitrate people came from villages they just argued on them and send them back.
I think they are resting there instead of doing any work they are listening to only rich peoples having big big accounts.
And we are like animals and headaque for them.
Thats why I hate these banks BOI specialy and SBI.
All government services are of same type.workers working there behave like rubish people.