I am from Delhi I am old customer of bank of India Gandhi nager Delhi branch I share my experience with this stupid bank I request all of public open your account in private sector bank never open your account in boi bank ex every quarter they sms me end give diamond account but due to bank negligence 65000 debited from my accounts my check book is lost but.the surprised was that they give. Bearer check amount to 3 person without taking any idd from him when I asked manger to show me check which you cleared i was surprised 3 sign on that check one sign in which my half sign another sign is my fullsign but that sign cut by him 3 time in between 2 sign one more sign which bank manager said I cleared this middle sign which match only 60persent according to bank records my sign on this in date there is alterations when I ask about this then bank manager says may be pen ink be finished he used another pen on the back side of my check no my sign or no my company stamp thereI was so surprised so much mistake in that check but bank employee pass the check so I request to if you have account in this. Stupid bank closed your. Account end join private bank if bank office r alert in there duty that person in prison who cheat me but government employees r so careful in there duty they just.time pass nothing else