A kind and humble request to all. please dont be lazy .
Please go directly to a bank and issue a policy or loans for yourself .
Initially all the details and help provided will be there at the start . They would pamper you like a kid at the start later wont even mind you .
The policy details at the start everybody has it on their very front, but later they will say all the details are with the parent company, we cant help right now .
As per the parent company policy is issued, but no update within 3 4 days will be updated. Listening this from 2 months now . Still the same . today issued ., technical glitch . bla bla, .Till now debitted twice from the account .
Useless assurance of refund will be provided . nothing happens, you just keep on following .
Services are extremely worse and calls you dont get calls once you make the payment .
For a new policy 100 calls and later u have to do a follow up
Rest its all on you .