Employee Review
Senior management can bring company to the bottom level, No one is there to ask or manage senior management peoples actions.
1.Organized Politics
2.Partiality between employees
3.No recognition/benefit for doing great work
4.Senior management will take your credit and you will get nothing
5.Senior management simply come do encouraged politics
6.No credit for your work
7.No support from SEO HR
8.Senior management is simply "Forwarding email" management and takes credit for your work
9.Not a good place for career growth and getting good pay in industry.
10.Simply hire you and through you in street.
I said "Organized Politics". It also means "Encouraged politics".
It is easy to get selected in SEO and SEO content team. Just have low salary record in your current company and less knowledge and very good in English. And try to answer some questions. only two rounds. End of the round HR will talk about salary payment. Here do not expect much. Then you will easily get selected. Believe me nowadays getting selected in SEO team is very very easy.
Ok. after joining this company, do not worry about performance or doing your work on time. Simply come and showcase as you are always working and show some reports. And whenever possible participate in senior management politics and help them achieve it. if you do like that you will get all benefits. Or else if you are trying to perform and expecting benefits, you will not get single benefit. You will be ignored and game toy for senior managements organised politics. In otherwords If you perform well your level should be limited. Otherwise no place for you in this company. Just follow senior management and enjoy your life with free salary.
People having Good experience and skills, please do not waste your time by applying in this company. If you are too much expert you will not get selected.
If you are having 1 or 2 years experience with great SEO Expert and SEO writer portfolio, do not waste your time. You may thinking of learning more here and expect benefits for same. No. You will end up with dirty politics in this SEO company and you will be named after that incident. Smart people in senior management simply escape by using you for encouraged politics.
If you are joining as SEO analyst or any SEO position or SEO Content writer you will come under one senior management only which is very bad.
If you like to spoil your career simply join in this company.
If you like to expect shocking thrillers like "Today is your last day. Surrender your laptop and go home" for the great work you did to grow this company.(Remember not for doing nothing).
All the best.
Do not forget to read following work experience review shared by experienced content writer and faced worst punishment for simply doing great job.
Advice to Management
You are great people in top management.
You have money.
You can hire good talents and allow senior management to screw them for no reason or silly reason or simply for doing good and finally throw them out of the company.
I dont know what to say. This was my bad work experience in my life.
Best thing to do is, regulate hiring process before anyone coming in to your company.
Regulate senior management decision making process.
Try considering each and every employee as your employee. Because they are also working for you and giving results. Not senior management as they simply come and take credits.