We were taking a stroll along the beach when my girlfriend got attracted to the very set-up of this place. She immediately dragged me in as we were already done with our dinner and were here for a romantic walk. The thing that I liked the most about this place was the open-air seating under the moonlit sky. It was so romantic to sit under those trees above you with the dim moon light peeping amidst the two of us. It was something like those in the romantic Nicholas Spark romance.
Well, coming tot he service, the staff here is very friendly and understands the privacy a couple expects. Thats something I dont see often in the restaurants in Goa. Thanks for that, buddy.
That night, we simply had some desserts as we were already done with the dinner and didnt have it to eat all over again. But then, the desserts were something that made us come here every night for the next 5 days that we were in Goa. Well, I am of the opinion that a place that serves great desserts, has to be great for food too. And yes, of whatever I have heard from friends whove been there already, my belief was strengthened.