This place barbeque nation is really amazing for a foodie ???? . There is buffet system and its cost is around 800-900 per person and the food is unlimited. I had some coupons so got it for ₹; 400 went their with my family and it was really amazing experience. The waiters and other staff are really friendly and the food is really delicious. The best thing about it was the food was unlimited. Their was a flag on the table and the waiter would serve you staters till you lower the flag. There were a lot of variety of staters and even the staters are enough to fill your stomach. Even after starters there is a lot of variety of main course soup salad and deserts. There are many live counters and the food was fresh and tasty. Especially the sweets they were really amazing and tasty.
There' s one special thing I liked about this restaurant was if you have a birthday or anniversary or any other occasion then you get a cake from the restaurant and the whole staff gather and wish you by singing a song. It was my birthday that day and really felt amazing.
Loved the experience