I have been a not-so-regular visitor to BBQ Nation for almost 5+ years now. Office celebrations, outing with friends have always been a though not superb but a pleasureful experience in the outlet in Thane, so when the recommendation were asked for a family outing on Bhaiduj, I suggested BBQ Nation, Thane to my entire family, a total of 18 people.
Little did I know, I was heading for an utter disaster. From seating to the switched off AC. the whole experience was simply unpleasant. Even on Bhaiduj the outlet was NOT running at full capacity.THAT should have told me not to expect lot from this place. But, I still persisted on. From non-existent server and infinite time to wait for a single serving of the cajun potatoes, the simple meal took more than 3 hours to finish with more than an hour spent in WAITING.
From the server who would vanish with saying "sure" and not return for minutes together to a cold-cold biryani in the main course. I spent every single minute wishing I was somewhere else where people value your time and your business.
The final nail in coffin came when it was time to pay. I asked for the bill, and the server once again said "Sure" and off he went. When he did not return for more than 10 mins later, I turned around to see him chatting to another patron, while HOLDING my bill in his hands. Another 5 mins before you finished his chat that he came to hand over the bill to me.
I asked him if they accepted SODEXO.(I had read about them accepting it online, links below). Server answered "Yes, we do." I asked him if I can make part payment with Sodexo and part with cash. his response "Sure mam, however you wish". then he walked back to the cashier desk and came back saying "We dont accept Sodexo."
I asked him about the reason. his response "We used to, but now we dont." Then his cashier walks up to me and says "We dont accept Sodexo." I showed him the reviews and he said "Some other outlet might accept it, but we dont". It was almost 1am and I had a 2 year old dozing on my shoulder, I really did not have patience for having an argument.
While we decided that we will pay him cash(for a bill that was Rs.12, 000+) he dialed some guy on mobile( possibly the outlet manager or someone) by the name of Sabir. Who eventually went on lecturing me about my Google search skills and stating that I will have to pay in cash with NO apology for my wasted time and his staffs inadequate service skills.
If all this has done anything, it has simply created a FIRM non-goer to BBQ Nation. Coz after spending nearly 13K at this place for an evening of unappetizing food, noisy environment, non-existent service and an working AC that was SWITCHED OFF. Im left with is an amazingly foul taste in my mouth.
http: //answers.yahoo.com/question/index? qid= 20100614071218AADT0PP
Not to mention half of my family is riddled with stomach aches and fever ever since we got back.