Barclay Priority Card memebership and even Barcley priority card is really fraud. I am going to move to the consumer forum if they ask me to pay even a single penny.
A very important advice for all those using Barclay cards. Cancel your cards as soon as possible else they will cheat you.
I had also been promised a lot for the priority member circle. However I asked them to cancel my priority membership before my bill was generated and before I used the card. Still they are saying that they cannot assure me that I will not have to pay any amount. Whwn I asked that when I did not use any privilege nor I got any benefits Why should I pay Rs 6000 odd they were speechless.
I guess all off us who have faced such situations much lodge complaint against Barclay cards. My email id is Anyone who also wants to lodge a case can contact me as I am filing a case.