I have been using this Barclays Card for quite a long time and from the day I started using this card I facing lots of problems.
You can please verify my records on this. Now there is a completely new problems arising. There was a balance of Rs.23.00 which the Barclays people
Called me several time to send persons to collect the Amount of Rs.23.00. for which due to frustration I agreed to that. One quite day they sent your representative to my Address to collect the amount of Rs:23.00. I paid the same through cash. And once I received my next statement I was shocked. To see
That there was a charges of Rs.113.00 Outstanding the reason was given as Cheque Pick up charges. Your people never communicated this. Kindly tell me is it fair on Barclays to Cheat the customers like this. For the Payment of Rs.23.00 I need to pay Rs.23.00+ Rs.113.00 as cheque pick up charges.
Fine I even paid that on 7th August 2008 (through Cheque) wherein the due date was 8th August 2008. The next statement gave me an another great shock. Rs.500.00 Late payment fees. + 12.36% Tax. What kind of business is this, And by mistakenly I had used this card for Rs.15000.00 and convert the same in to EMI. The due was on 8th September 2008 and the payment made by me was on 3rd September 2008. Thinking Barclays would be doing good kind of business. This proved me Again Wrong. Seeing my statement for the month of September.
There is another late payment charges of R.500.00+12.36% Tax. What does Barclays doing in favour of the customers. Is this the way to treat the customer. And grabbing money from the customers. I have decided I don’t want to use The Barclays card In my life I would like to surrender the card right away. Please calculate the amount which has to paid by me Cancel all EMI Deduct the interests. Tell me the exact figure that has to be paid. I have never seen such a Banking peoples in my life. And I would always suggest my family member & friends not to even apply for Barclays Card. Now the only thing I require Barclays to help me out is to Revert the 2 Late payment fees. And give me the credit on the same. And cancel the EMI option which I opted from Barclays. And Cancel My Barclays card which I don’t want hereafter.