Please dont go for BarclayCard. This company is well known for its service in UK, But the Reciprocal is happening here.
This is my Sad Story...
I got this stupid card a Year back and I have transacted almost 2 lakhs rupees and I have paid the money promptly, all the time.
I got a GIFT for this last month.
They sent me a letter stating " Your Credit Limit has been reduced to 10k from 30k". I got shocked seeing this, as I cant imagine a credit card with 10k limit. I am using 3 Other cards like ICICI with 3 times better limit and I have never faced any issues.
When I called CC, they were totally irresponsible and said" This is our company Policy". I asked them what is that fu**in policy which reduces the limit drastically , for no reason.But there was no reply.
Above this, I got another shock , in the form of statement. The have put me 600 Rs OverLimit Charges for using the Card>10K., which was suddenly implemented before I made the purchase. Above all, I used the Card only for 10020 Rs. So, I was charged 600 Rs for exceeding limit by 20 Rs, that too the sudden limit was changed in the same billing cycle.
I called CC 5 Times and Sent Emails more than 10 Times, No Response. Finally I sent them a Registered Post, stating Explanation for the charges and Cancelling Card, Failing that.