This is to share a nightmarish service I had with Barclay Credit card. I recieved this platinum card in August and the first bill came in September. I made the payment in full in cheque as I normally do with the other cards I have. After a couple of weeks, I received a SMS message saying that the payment has not been received. The next message came saying "Dear customer, the payment on your Barclaycard is overdue. Please play by to avoid being referred on the credit bureau. In case of any dispute, feel free to call us at 044-66296300. Please ignore this SMS if you have already paid."
I called them up and they said they received the cheque but it has somehow become invalid. I have been using credit cards for the last 10 years and I dont know how this particular cheque became invalid. When queried, they said, they havent seen the cheque but this is what they see on their computer. The guy asked me to put another cheque from a different bank and I had put one from SBI. That cheque too met with the same fate.
It would be funny to note that I never received any statements from them till date. I called them up and then the guy there sent a pdf file locked with a password that only he and God knows. I called them up again and then they sent it correctly.
I again made the full payment and after the amount was deducted from my account, I tried the card and to my worst fears, it remained blocked. Luckly I was able to manage with the HSBC card that I had. When I called the customer care at 6000 4444, they person who took the call after much waiting confirmed that they had received the payment and again asked me to call them after 2 hours as they are unable to return my call owing to "security reasons" only known to them.
If you havent taken the card, please dont !! I am going to split the card and sent it back to them. Does anyone know where can I complain against such horrible service???