Iam Navneet from New Delhi.
I applied for the card on 26th of may.
Two months have been passed & still I am waiting for the status to get updated
Everytime I make a call I get the updation that the card is under process & please call after 7 days to get the status.
Somehow I spoke to Mr. Ganesh who said that He is the supervisor but when I spoke to Him I was surprised to hear that being in banking line He did not knew the meaning of banking Obdusman.
Then I spoke to Mr.Tejus Patel asking HIm to provide me the name of their President, Vice President, CEO or any other higher authority to whom I can mark a acomplaint but He did not gave me the num, ber or any other contact of any senior.
No one from the bank bothers to take a complaint or give any other feedback Barclay bank is least interested in their customers.
Is this the good side or bad side of Barclay bank or what?
still Iam waiting for the response.