The men managing the outlet are downright rude and ill mannered. The guys from Over Fresh come over to a chat and ogle at female customers.
When I asked to pack 2 slices of cake, the guys started sniggering and one guy rolled on the floor and started laughing. The other guy (both from Over Fresh) kept looking at me and passing remarks. The first guy then said in Tamil that "I am asking to pack 2 slices of choc cake in English. Dont you understand English?"
It is downright silly and vulgar. In a professional environment like RMZ, why have an outlet like this? It should ideally be in some slum! I strongly suggest closing this outlet. And ladies, please DO NOT go to this oulet, unless accompanied by a male (preferably strong!).
Since these guys are focussing more on such jokes and eve teasing, they are not bothered about the business or customer service.