Hi I had visited Barista , MG Road on Dec 31 st , 2010 and I was surprised to see that it was empty when all other eating places were brimming with people on New Years Eve. On entry, I realized the reason as the cheapest coffee available was for Rs 161 and the normal menu was not available.
When I asked the staff whether I could order my normal choice they showed me a white printed card which they said was the special i.e hiked rate for New Years Eve.
I was shocked that a brand like Barista would indulge in such a thing and I told them that this was the reason why their store was empty.
As I left the shop an employee approached me discreetly and said that they would offer me standard prices and it would be a special deal , only for me . I was further shocked by the total lack of professionalism of the employee!
Furthermore when I tried to file a complaint at their website I realized (after 5 attempts) that you need to write a complaint without proper punctuation.........oops......no punctuation at all in order to post the complaint. All of the above left me thinking about what differentiates them from the crowd.