Did anyone see kank recently? I just hated it, I have no idea y thou, it had everything, great sets, nice clothes, great starcast, decent music but I tink it was let down by a horrible script. abhishek was excellent in the movie thou. playful, intensely romantic and so earthly sexy. even till the last scene, the love for rani still showed in his eyes.
well anyway I am not here to write a review on kank, but a music review on bas ek pal. onirs next movie after the crtically acclaimed my brother nikhil. in mbk, it had only one song, le chale and ohhh wat a song it was. after I finished the movie, I was still humming it on the bike.(tat doesnt usually happen with me). so I was eagerly awaiting onirs next and it again repeats sanjay and juhi chawla, with an addition to urmilla, jimmy shergill and rehaan engineer. a very interesting starcast indeed. rehaan did a play in singapore called a quills, a very well received play and he won the best actor award for it. the scene actually required him to be nude for a major part of the play, he played marquis sade. I tink that takes a lot of guts, to showcase yr family jewels to a sellout house.
ok now to the music, I am not goin to go into each and every song. when u listen to the album, all the songs stand on their own and each one sounds different. there are a couple of remixes and they sound like completely new songs. so thats a refreshing change.
there is a club song hai ishq ye kya ek khata and it is rocking!! the use of spanish guitars and the hot salsa makes this song come alive. an item number that is probably worked into the story and stands out with its composition.
i personally love "tere bin". it is so tragic and the lyrics are just sheer poetry. the pain and longing is just taken to new levels by atif aslam. there is a remixed version of this song which is just as good. but I like the orginal for its bare magic of its https://lyrics.
this is the kind of album, which in recent yrs have been popping out from time to time. it happened with jhankaar beats, recently with gangster(which I personally love) and now with bas ek pal. its the kind of music which u put on for a night alone or with someone u love. dim lights, candles, wine and soft rain just outside yr window.its just magic.
the masses wont identify with the music, its not the typical dholak, punjabish karan johar kinda melodramatic music tat will have the wedding bands playing it in coming mths. its raw, sensitive, well composed and a stunning testament to doin something different. for people who are looking for a touch of class and something different, this is the album to get.
the movie looks good too, each character is identified with a specific color. the starcast dun need to be introduced. and hopefully brings small films to a new cinematic high. I have enough of the rhona dhona(kank), unexplained infedilities(kank again), insane comedies(phir hera pheri, tom dick and harry), pretty people living in gigantic houses(do I need to say it?).
lets hope with the release of bas ek pal, people wake up to small films which are usually gems. jhankaar beats, my brother nikhil, iqbal, mr and mrs iyer, just to name a few. get the album for bep and be soothed into a very urban, realistic soundtrack which u will cherish for yrs to come.