Whenever I have visited a BATA store, I have always found the attitude of most of the sales staff quite annoying.
It appears that, they think they are doing you a great favour by assisting you. They are lazy and one can notice the reluctance they show in assisting customers.
I have visited BATA outlets in Nagaon(Assam), Kolkotta, Delhi, Noida(U.P.), Bangalore, Chennai and Hyderabad over a period of 25 years, and have failed to see much difference in the attitude of the sales staff. It is as if they are trained to behave this way.
Could it be because these outlets have most of their customers from the lower income group ? And so, the staff actually think that they are doing the customer a great favour by helping him find a pair shoes ??
As long as Bata had a monopoly, it could get away with this, but now with the entry of the multinational giants, BATA should clean up its act soon.