This is the best game i have played in 2011.OMG i just finished the story mode in this game and i have only one word that can describe batman arkham city "AWESOME.This game deffinetly deserves to win the Game of the year award.
Batman arkham city is fantastic in everyway, the graphics are mind blowing, it is so stunningly detailed that batman and all the other characters look too good to be true this is one seriously good looking game.Batman, harley quin, joker, freeze, penguin, catwoman etc look so realistic and life-like that at times i felt like i was watching a movie.Rocksteady did an amazing job in using the Unreal Engine 3 for the fantastic visuals.
The story was amazing and the ending was sooo unpredictable.I didnt want to put down my controller because i wanted to find out what was going to happen next in the story.The combat moves are fantastic aswell and i enjoyed beating the crap out of all the bad guys in arkham city.The open world environment is amazing and i had a nice time gliding and jumping from one roof top to another.