I saw this movie for the second time and both times the audience gave the movie big cheers and claps at the end. Not that the movie was superb out of the World fantastic, but it was done really really well. I see Im repeating myself a lot here but I really cant help it. Today I took a couple of my friends for the movie and they were a bit apprehensive. I can understand that because the previous batman movies are simply terrible. However my friends were more interested in seeing a family drama. Unfortunately for them we reached the multiplex late and there was only the 11:00pm show left which happened to be Batman begins. So we bought the tickets and took a short stroll to an ice cream parlor near by where the waitresses are really cute (lucky me). I also apologize for the long drag about what I did before the movie, but its needed because the movie should make you feel really good from scene 1.
Got to the theatre at 11 and did get to see some new trailers. I think the new upcoming movie Stealth looks good and may be really good for entertainment value. Anyways let me get on with this review.
Well the cast is pretty talented with Christian Bale playing Batman and Liam Neeson who starred as Oscar Schindler in Schindlers list (the best movie ever) who also does a very good job. So the story goes like this. Bruce Wayne (who later becomes batman) is the son of a wealthy couple who own a very large industry. They are good people who empathize with the poor and do all in their ability to uplift them. However tragedy strikes and his parents are killed when he is still a boy and he is brought up by his loyal butler. Bruce grows up with the sole purpose of fighting crime. He also sees the hardships which the poor in Gotham city have to go through. He becomes a criminal, goes to jail and you know what I mean all the masala you have in a hindi movie. Finally while serving time in an Asian (somewhere in China) jail, he meets Liam Neeson who is a member of a clandestine organization whose sole purpose is to destroy evil by exterminating criminals. While this idea appeals to Bruce, he still has compassion for everyone and cannot be ruthless like his friend Neeson. This leads him to leave the organization rather abruptly (you will know why) and return to Gotham to fight crime.
In Gotham he reunites with his butler and also gets back to working at his Dads company. He meets morgan Freeman in the applied science department and learns about military equipment the company manufactures, for instance bullet-proof kevlar suits and other cool stuff. All this stuff comes in handy because this is the beginning of Batman. This movie actually explains where Batman gets his cool stuff from. To spice things up Bruces childhood friend has now turned into a gorgeous hottie Katie Holmes who is the district attorney. Apart from the fact that she shakes her head too much she does a good job in the film :). Bruce takes an immediate liking to her. Since the city has become so bad and corrupt Bruce decides to fight the crime and corruption head on. Instead of the approach used by his Father i.e. donating to the poor, Bruce takes a more direct approach and puts on the guise of Batman. Well please see the movie to learn more about the plot and the enemies Bruce encounters.
All I can say from here is that the camera work was good, the story line was complete and really very nice. The soundtrack was fantastic. The BAtmobile takes the cake and hats off to Christian Bale and Liam Neeson for their very involved acting. Nice movie and I cant wait for the DVD release. I would give it 8/10. I am really sleepy now, so sorry for the abrupt ending. Got back from the movie at 2am and now its 3:45. Thank God its a sunday!!