Truly it can be said that, this was not expected from director Zack, when comparing to his creativity that he made as to travel to an another world in his past movies makes us more worry.although we can say the casting is a highlight, but the screen appearance of each characters are disappointed.
The story board is so weak, when we look into the title the story is not truthful to it.the surprising guest roles of DC comics characters gives us a promising film next is made in more dark theme, not enough good to watch in 3d format.there is no new in action choreography or action for the batman movies we expect some kind of new technical devices, machines etc.director is somewhat successful in giving us a psychological grip by making batman and superman to remember their past.visual effects are to be appreciated, great work.Jesse has surprised everyone in his role, but he can be given some more importance with more face to face conversation with heroes.Overall it is one time time pass movie, if you dont have another option on your weekend.