So I watched batman v superman a week ago and liked it actually, people who are saying it is worst or something. Either they are getting paid for that:P or they are just casual movie watchers. Im personally a fan of dc, and marvel too.
And love to watch all the series which are currently airing now. So lets talk about the movie, plot is dark and strong. Batman( played by Ben affleck) is the best till date, I dont know what others think but personally I liked him very much. Story was simple, it was not something which will blow your mind but still it was a build for a next movie i.e Justice league.
Superman was perfect in his role and everbody loved gal gadot( wonder woman) very very much. The moment she appeared on screen, whole theatre went crazy, there were shouts, whistles and cheers. She literally stole the movie.
Last but not the least. Lex luthor( jesse eisennberg), he did more than his best. Everybody actually felt like he is like shahrukh khan of darr movie. Amazing work he did for his role. So guys watch it, and in 3d . trust me, its worth it.