My wife wears contact lens since last 4 years. In all these years it was a very much pleasant, hassle free experience.
Recemtly I purchased a pair of conventional lenses from Lawrence & Mayo, MG Road, Bangalore. The lense seem to be of drastically low quality.
Extremely difficult to open them up if they get folded
Very much susceptible to tearing
Extremely uncomfortable to use. My wife complains that the lens dont stick very well with the eye.
I have already left compliants with L&M. They are quick to provide me with replacements but sadly the new lenses too have the very same problems. An empoyee there told me that B&L is pushing the disposable lenses in favor of the conventional ones. According to her - a one year supply of disp. lense would cost 3200/- as against the 1200/- for the conv. lense. Not to mention the worry to replace the lense in time. Very cunning of B&L I guess.
I am very much frustrated and planning to switch to some other brand. I would try J&J!