When I went to the DR to get an eye check up he told me I needed glasses. Well I then decided that I wanted to try out contacts. So I chose the Bausch and Laumb brand. I also wanted something different so I asked him to give me a trial pair of their color contacts, and he said “ok”.
There are two types of contacts you can get, either the soft or the hard. I of course wanted the soft pair. Then I had to choose what color I wanted to try. Now this was the hard part. They had many different colors to pick from, and my eyes were already a beautiful blue color, so I decided I would try the blue anyway and see if it would enhance the color even more.
I had no problems with the contacts, and they were easy to clean. I got the type were you didn’t have to clean them on a daily basis. You could wear them for 2 months, and then change them. Yes you did have to take them out at nights and store them in saline solution, but that wasn’t so hard.
When I first went home and looked in the mirror at my new “EYES” I was like wow, those are really blue. I had no real idea how blue those contacts made my eyes. Then I went to visit my parents and see if they noticed anything different on me, since they had no idea that I had gotten those contacts. Well of course as soon as I walked in the door they knew. They all said they just loved them. In fact everyone I came in contact with said how beautiful my eyes were and how blue they were. There was only one person who said something about them and that was my DR. He said they were too blue for me.
I then wanted to try out other colors so I bought the green and purple colors. Now I really loved the green eye look on me, but the purple was a little too wacky. So I decided I would just stick with the good old fashion color of contacts and that was clear color.
Bausch and Laumb are the best contacts that I have tried, and yes I have tried Johnson and Johnson as well, but came to the conclusion that Bausch out does them all. If you buy the extended wear version I feel you get the best quality out of your contacts, and less hassle free time. I know I don’t care for the contacts were you have to give them a daily cleaning. To me that is time consuming and a waste. Instead plop them in and wear them all day and store in saline and put in the day. They are the best brand name contacts there is.