Baygon is very old brand name and famous as mosquito / flying insect killer. Baygon spray produced in India by Aero Products and marketed by Bayer India Limited. In tropical countries like India, product like Baygon has secured market. There many other brands in the market but continuous improvements in its formulation is the positive point. Bayer originated from Germany and recognized as one of the big specialty chemical manufacturers in the world. Germans are brilliant innovative chemists and that is the reason companies like Hoechst, BASF, Bayer etc could survive the onslaught of Second World War. These companies are having hundreds of patents in their credit. Bayer, after merger with Aventies, may be the biggest pesticide producer in the world. The Product Baygon, they call it as The Mosquito Terminator, is a deadly killer. It as water based aerosol formulation. List of ingredients printed on the pamphlet tell about more than 52 % water and 40% LPG. Active ingredients, mosquito killers, are less than 0.1%. So you can imagine the amount of toxicity these can spread. So guys, be careful. This mosquito terminator can even terminate two footed non-flying creatures. Combination of two very effective insecticides made it very effective. In this product, they have added Lavender as perfume. However, you know in presence of LPG, Insecticides etc, effect of perfume is not that great. May be to some extant lavender can camouflage the pungent smell of those chemicals. Caution - Like all other mosquito killers, this also to be stored in a secured place. Keep away from children and persons having mental disorder. Cost Analysis At present, this is available in 400 ml cans with spray nozzles. Cost you Rs. 115/-. Other brands like Mortein, Hit will cost you same but for 320 ml. So, you get about 25% discount on a reliable mosquito killer. Cost wise coils or mats are cheaper alternative for mosquitoes. However, these have limited application. Baygon can be used for cockroach or many other pests. Moreover, this one is far more powerful than mats or coils. Application In olden days, household insecticides were formulated in kerosene and we used to use a spray gun for spraying it. This was a cumbersome exercise and lot of waste due to spillages. Aerosol technology has made life comfortable. Application is very simple due to easy-to-handle spray cans. So there is no spillage or anything like that. Spray it for 10-15 seconds and keep the room closed for 15-20 minutes. Please do not stay in the closed room in that period and not even your pet. After that, provide adequate ventilation to the room. Caution - Insecticides penetrates through the skin and spread in your body. So, it is not only inhalation that can have bad effect. High dose exposures may have severe effect on someone’s health. Conclusion I have worked few years in an American Pesticide Manufacturer where they used to educate us to increase awareness regarding health and safety. So, I have some knowledge about bad effects of these molecules. Personally, I do not like any pesticide at home. However, occasionally I have to use it to get rid of pests. Avoid such product if you have some other better alternative. We take following measures 1. All windows are having nets to stop flying creatures to come in. 2. Mosquitoes are active during night. Normally we close doors from dusk to dawn so that mosquitoes do not enter the flat. A second door with suitable net seems to be better if you are fond of fresh air. 3. Keep the surrounding clean and avoid stagnant water and rotten garbage. Kitchen garden is very good for mosquito breading, so keep it clean. Life cycle of mosquito is only seven days. So, important preventive step is to stop fresh breading. 4. I am sure everyone will avoid having a mosquito breading ground inside the flat. In cities, one may have little choice and depend on civic authorities. So, may follow the first two and a clean house will help. Precautions Certain precautions are to be taken if someone is compelled to store and use insecticide at home. 1. Store at a secured placed away from children. Do not store near foodstuff. Aerosols are to be kept away from heat source. 2. During spraying, ensure that foodstuffs are covered. Keep the little one and pets away. 3. After spraying droplet may deposit on the floor or other items so take care of the kids and clean the surface. 4. Do not forget to wash hand after using any type of insecticides / pesticides. 5. Use only when it is required and ensure minimum exposure. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enjoy mosquito free evening. May be difficult in my country but all of us should take care for our better health.