Now all know Bhuvan Bam. In
Youtub And Sosial media.
Now I am introducing Very very Funny charecters Of BB ki Vines .
1) Bhuan Bam
2) Bancho ( his Nick Name)
3) maa ki Chuu ( MKC)
4) Shameer F* ddi ( his dialogs are very funny and his grand father love fu* di)
And etc
Now I have no Words to say his artists work. But he is work very well. Bhuvan Bam is my First non veg comedy or veg comedy Artist. His charecters like shameer F* ddi one of the best charecter.
And I thing all are watch his one episode. I thing his name is Mr hola vs shameer F* ddi
After waching this video you dont control your laughing. And you saying his person.
What a Video in Indian Word Jhakas
Now Thanks to read.
But you dont miss to watch BB ki Vines