BB ki vines one of the best youtuber and my favourite youtuber first in postion top ten.his well know which masala and material like people.he use adult langauge material to entertainment people.i mosltly love sammer fuddi character.
I watched all video on his channel first I watche valentine hutiyapa video and damm I am fan this guy his observation very good.last video I watched is online dating is awsome.he use cell phone selfie camera to make video. one guy play all charecter is very intresthing. I specially like in this video is 3 character, sameer fuddi, bhencho, hola. this 3 charecter are awosome. and I dislike this youtuber is his take too much time to post another video this is unique channel for me and dont heard and not even watch similer like this program. he use naughty and clean languge to heard good. we love bb ki vines.