All started when administrators announced that they would like to establish a communal blog to increase their 2-way communication and interchange with addressees and readers so they can reach their users and customers without any mediator and middleman.
It broke many taboos and caused the media giants and advertising cartels of the world to not shame and fear for hold straight and direct connect with addressees.
We can claim that worlds great media are involving in contacting problems with common people and their general users so for example the BBC has started its blog to response the inquiries of its readers and users easier than before and interact with all of its supporters.
With such solutions, Global media will heal and repair their communicative bugs so the user will makes sure that his comment, ideas and suggestions would be received by the managers of that media team, in the other world, he will be seen by the media.
In the other hand, that media, magazine, newspaper or TV channel will collect more fame, popularity so it will be more interesting to general readers and addressees.
At all, lets express the feeling that launching a weblog for Media will show its interaction and efforts to satisfy users and consumers.
British Broadcasting Corporation was belonging to a special layer of English society the communication experts and specialists were the main and special addressees of it who the production of BBCs content was their duty. So although the common folks of England and people of other sympathetic and companion governments with Britain, accepted BBC as a reliable news resource but the statement that BBC is a prevalent, common and public media didnt seem to be logically correct.
The passage of time changed the world gradually. Favorite news of common people, news sections for general or illiterate people in addition with new Entertainment parts in BBC was spreading through BBC radios and websites in all languages. Readers Opinion section was also a new step to avoid BBC involving the destiny of other Mafiatic media.
The previous Producer-axis method has been changed to Addressee-based method. On the previous manner, satisfying and making programmers, producers, news editors and writers consented was the chief goal. But in early times, BBC governors discovered that they must make basic revisions about their way because of their intense communicative weakness, and if they continue producing programs and news without considering the tact and styles of their addresses, they will be defeated very soon!
Just a few phone lines, one email address and only a Post Box. how these features could be responsible against the huge amount of daily requests of people all around the world who want to reach their breaking news, articles, photos and suggestions to be published via BBC?
Experts-based journalism was the basic method of BBC till this moment but they were sure that this policy would be defeated. So BBC changed its manner to Citizen-based journalism particularly. It placed the sound files, pictures and context sent by users on the section of "Readers Opinion" and recently, established its weblog!
Many people dont count weblogs as the new types of media. They think that each post of a blog is the result of personal concerns, interests, opinions and belongings of the blogger, so a Weblog is a personal page not a type of media.
But another group believe that the weblogs of great magazines, companies and organization could be called as independent media themselves!
Because every post of such blogs, would be the result of thinking alike and group works that will be broadcasted by one person and there is the same process in radios or TV.
So after starting the BBC English blogs up, the other languages also released their blogs and since that time, BBC is so more popular among general addressees. The inauguration of BBCs chain blogs was a great step toward users and costumers and BBC has now a dual residency called (Producer-User-based policy). At all, BBC governors are to respect their users, more than before and that is the result of last revolution in global blogsphere!