It is the only BBC, which has courage to speak the truth.
International media excluding BBC was covering just one side of story. It was BBC, which maintained its credibility in such a pressing atmosphere.
Only BBC is remaining which is not controlled and offers a balanced story. Only one channel out of crowd, which can be identified because of its name. It did not bend to the pressure tactics by politicians and threats.
Presentation format on BBC is very good and offers news plus general content. Programs such as hard talk offers viewers a chance to see inside the personality they interview. Unbiased and to the point.
I believe, BBC has no agenda to prove. There are allegations that BBC sees itself above the board. I don’t think these allegations are true. These allegations seem more over the echo or political rings. Some politicians who are uncomfortable with BBC coverages, threatened to re-write the charter. But so far, BBC has maintained the tradition of news coverage.
BBC is mature channel as compared to other international channel. International conflicts are not new to BBC, people at BBC know, how to offer news in conflicting time. During Iraq conflict, BBC was the only channel which was offering unbiased and balanced news coverage.
BBC remains first choice for those who wish to see unbiased news coverage and mine too.