This is one of the most refreshing movies I have seen.Didnt walk into this movie with any expectations but at the end of it was thrilled to have watched such a well made movie.
John Travolta ala Chilli Palmer walks through the movie into your hearts.The scenes and locales of California are captured excellently. The view where Uma Thurman sits sunning herself on her balcony when John Travolta walks in is so smooth.The film is as smooth and just sweeps you into Hollywood and the Music Industry where everyone is so very crazy .
Christiana Lilian as Linda Moon is sooo very sweet and she sings so sweetly. Uma Thurman Rocks !!! The Rock is just great - he endears you with his antics.Then there is the Russian Mafia and the Very Entertaining Cedric the Entertainer and his bunch of bumbling apprentices.
There is never a dull moment out here.There is fun , pun , jazz and razmatazz. John Travolta true to his name reinvents himself completely. Uma Thurman is so very beautiful you just cant take your eyes off her.
Though Chilli Palmer does away his limousine for a honda hybrid , this movie is from the old school where there is right story , great dialogues , effortless comedy mixing together to give an unforgettable movie experience.Watch it !!!!!