Be Komfort is furniture showroom located in Alkapuri Baroda, They are authorized dealer of Zuari furniture. I bought shoe Cabinet from this shop. At the time of purchasing I was told that they will provide any type of after market service on call basis. I got convinced (!). and Shoe Cabinet delivered to my home. after three months, one door of shoe cabinet came out. I called the shop and requested for service. It took me three minutes to recall the shop owner that I am his client and he sold me the piece of garbej three months back. Finally I succeed in my endeavour and he recollected. then I was told that he will send the person in two days.
Today I am writing this review after five months of purchase and two months of complaint registered, till date no one has turned up to resolve the complaint or even bothered to give return call. every time I called up and they give wauge excuse like they dont have person or they forgot etc. Now I decided to get it repaired on my own but here I am blowing the whistle to make my friends aware that do not get in to the trap of Be Komfort. Unlike the name sound, you will add plenty of uncomfortness in your life if you buy product from this shop. Apart from the after market service of shop, the quality of Zuari furniture is also a big question mark.
Honestly, nowadays to find furniture made out of original WOOD, I repeat original WOOD becomes impossible. Every shop has imported junk of China and Indonesia selling at handsome price. esthetically it looks so beautiful that you become tempted to buy but at the end we have regret on our decission. Let me cut it short and make my point again. Think 100 times before buying furniture from Be Komfort. they beleive only in selling. I doubt whether they know even the spelling of Service or not. Wishing you great life with great product.
Take Care Krunal