This brings me to Compare 3 ISPs Sify, Reliance Broadnet and Beam cable as I have used the three of them. When I was looking for a review about any ISP, I found most of them were rated 1 star; it seems that people decide to write a review when they are not at all satisfied with the service. Every provider sure has their advantages & disadvantages so I decided to compare and RANK(1 being the better ISP) the providers according to them.
1) Beam Cable Advantages: 1) Speed: as promised by them its 96Kbps and mine is Unlimited package. 2) Price: Rs.400 for Unlimited package including taxes. 3) Customer support is prompt as it is a local provider and their main office is located nearby. Disadvantages: 1) Needs to login frequently as it logs out some times.(say 1 to 2 times a day.) 2) As the connection is IP based, u cant change the connection to another computer(say if you have a laptop at home.) As per my knowledge Beam Cable is local and is available only in Hyderabad city. 2) Reliance Broadnet Advantages: 1)
As promised by them 75 Kbps for Unlimited package. 2) Uninterupted connection, quite a few breakdowns. Disadvantages: 1) Customer care The Worst I have seen; their Customer care never attends a phone, even if they did they will ask u to call Mumbai Paid phone. If u go to any Reliance communications or webworld outlet, they will say that they only deal with Phone and not Internet.(but they will accept bill payments!) 2) If it disconnects u have to wait 3-4 days to get it done as they technicains have to come from Anil Ambanis Mumbai office! 3) Improper billing, they will send bill every 2 months & will disconnect every month for not paying bill, even when executives call they will say they will send it tommorow & tommorow never dies!
3) Sify Advantages: 1) Uninterupted connection, quite a few breakdowns. Disdvantages: 1) The slowest ISP for that prive @64Kbps. 2) The costliest ISP, when I took the connection 3 year back, their deposit was Rs.1, 500 and monthly fee was Rs.512 when I discontinued a year ago. 3) Unlimited: Sify has a new meaning for Unlimited Interconnection, it means only data trandfer of 150MB/Day means Unlimited(between 8AM to 10PM); if you exceed 150MB/Day your prepaid account will be reduced by 1day/every 25MB used.(If u didnt understand the above math, call sify about those exciting Plans.) 4) As the connection is IP based as with Beam cable, u cant change the connection to another computer(say if you have a laptop at home.)
Conclusion: 1) Never believe the marketing guys promises, check with your neighbours or other users reviews. 2) Check all the availabe packages and choose the best suited for your requirements, again dont believe the marketing guys gimmicks and tricks. 3) If possible you only fill the application with the apt. package; I was tricked by Reliance marketing guy, when I signed the empty application form and gave him he enrolled me with and Phone package extra for Rs.150pm. When I was told my package costs only Rs.400 for Unlimited Reliance package, he didnt mentioned about the Hidden Taxes, make yourself aware of that package costs. 4) Last but not least, take a local connection instead of MSCs(Multi State Companies)like Reliance; so that if you have any problem you can go to their office and catch their collar, if in case of Reliance Anil Ambani wont be available easily. If you are not satisfied with the above 3 ISPs dont worry there are many other ISPs like BSNL Dataone Broadband Service, Tata, Airtel Broadband, MTNL VSNL, Dishnet DSL etc. Compare all thier Packages and Terms from their webiste and take the best Package available to you, Unlimited being better.
Edited on 17 feb 2009. Beam cable is the best. I am adding this after using for nearly two years, Beam cable is the Best ISP in Hyderabad, the new BiFI technolgy is very good, ( Speed is 128kbps/Rs.400 Unlimited monthly package.)& the Customer care is Great.