I am using beam cable Internet since 2005. At that time the maximum people do not know about computer and internet. Even I am the first user in my locality who use internet at home after that one by one people get connected via beam cable and now it become Beam fiber cable.
At the time when they start the new business and they starting with beam cable took deposit amount of about 1500/-( One thousand Five hundred only) for connection and there is monthly charge of 400.
Beam cable now they have many offers for domestic users and business users, before they are only cable connection. Now they have move to both connection cable and Wireless. Even they are providing Wireless modems with some reliable amount and service( If we request wireless connection from beam cable. They will provide us wireless modem with their service and warranty) .
More and more people suggest and request of this reliable product. They providing their services to small to medium and medium to large companies. They are satisfying customer according to their need. User can request to change their internet speed according to their requirement.( Their charge is vary from domestic speed and Business speed)
Beam cable they have their own call center and even they keep their team( Consist one to three member) in each locality. If we have any single problem related to Internet we can call to their customer support they will solve our issue very fast / instantly. For domestic user some time the head of the family member is calling from somewhere and the issue is solve instant. Sometime depend on your relation with beam cable team. They will solve all our computer problem even it not related to Internet.( E.g. clean computer and install antivirus and update our computer and suggesting us what is require to our computer)
Before maximum dont know about internet and computer now in all areas of metropolitan, big cities and everywhere more than 90% people knew about computer and internet. Now a days people can live without food but cant live without internet. Before people are addicted with smoking and many more bad things. Now a days people addicted with internet.
From Internet people may get more knowledge. We can search large number of stuff on internet according to our need and requirement. It have all our requirement such as, education, religious, world tourist, economy, media, photography and many, many more. Now a days internet is our basic needs.