Attached is my screenshot of BEAM internet portal. It shows my data usage.
As you can clearly see from the attached screenshot, there are duplicate entries created for each and every session. It means if I consumer 1GB, BEAM will charge me for 2GBs and so on.
I am on a 50GB 15 Mbps plan(BX1110). BEAM always claim that their services are cheaper compared to other service providers. But, the reality is they do not provide you with full data usage.
If you want to test this yourself and you are a BEAM customer, logout from BEAM portal and login again.Try downloading say 100MB data. Logout and login again. Check the usage stats. You will see two entries with identical start and end time and exact same usage.
This is not the end. There are times when you do not get FUP Reset at all. I repeat, you DO NOT GET FUP at all. You have to use the internet at low speeds and if you ask customer care they will say you already consumed all your data.
I raised below tickets as I did not get FUP reset for the month of Feb14. The customer care executive bluntly said you have consumed 80GB and hence low speed. I called again in next 2 mins. Some other executive said 150GB. Basically, they just give whatever number comes to their mind. Their tech guys are helpless as they cannot see more than what is shown on beam portal. Finally, I had to give up and recharge my account (FUP reset) through my own wallet for some vidcon meeting.
[Ticket#2014022510004142] [Ticket#2014022310004315] [Ticket#2014022210013389] [Ticket#2014022210000562] [Ticket#2014021910005386]
Basically, totally frustrated with BEAM. Changing it WITHOUT paying the bill and more importantly, has filed 2 cases against them in consumer court. Hope they will learn the lesson and stop cheating customers.