This is for all those who are planning on getting a new broadband connection, stay away from beam cable broadband service. Im currently using their Home Starter package. this is "supposed" to give me upto 160 kbps of speeds. In practice, what I do get is a max of 2-3 kbps. My browsing speeds are absolutely pathetic. It takes about 4-5 mins to open any given website. I cant access my webmail, ever. My gmail or any other google site never opens because the network always times out. Ive tried complaining about this problem n number of times, but their technicians never show up. Theyre the most unresponsive people youll ever come across.
Ive read about similar problems from even those whore using a higher speed package. Try BSNL, Sify Broadband, Airtel Broadband, or You Telecom. Ive heard these are good. Prices are almost similar to Beam Cables packages. Its only been a month since Ive been using beams connection, and Im not going to be renewing my package. Im speaking to Sify and Airtel for their Tariff details.
Its better to pay just a little more (by which I mean about 50-100 bucks more) and be at ease, instead of going through this nightmarish experience of never being able to connect to your desired websites.