Hello people! Firstly when I heard about Beardo beard and hair growth oil I was really impressed that a brand from India is finally focusing on men’s grooming needs.The marketing of beardo and the way it sells is really great so I ordered a product from Amazon .After a few days of using the product I realise that it How’s nothing special in it and definitely not working for hair growth or beard enhancement. It is just a product with great marketing strategy but not a great product which focus on solving peoples problem. I took feedback from my friends who have ordered it from Flipkart and the feedback is as expected. Even they are not experiencing any difference in beard and hair growth and they found it worthless. Beardo is just another brand from India which just needs to sell its products by fake marketing strategies. There are no such products till date that help in hair growth. so please dont fall for fake promises. There is a demand for millions of dollars in market for hair related products.Some products might enhance the health of hair but there is no such product for hair growth, so instead of buying beardo just focus on taking a healthy diet which might work.