3 months ago we have got painted our flat by asian paints home solution. It was worst experience. Sales manager Mr Ravi Srikhande was so polite until we signed aphs.
He promised us wall painting, furniture painting, furniture polish. Once he received order and cheque. He started saying APHS doesnt do polish.
We offered contract to APHS to avoid our headache. But in reality it was our big mistake. Supervisor Mr Anil and Contractor Mr Salunke were so unfair.
Sales manager and these two guys promised us to finish work in maximum 2 weeks. But in actual it was delayed by 3 weeks. And most important thing is painters are not at all professional. They damaged our furniture, didnt cover it properly. Damaged our dining table glass.
Oh my God it was horrible experience with APHS. After a month walls are showing cracks . We tried to complain to supervisor but he is not responding.
We will not recommend Asian paints home solution to anybody.
They are useless and cheaters. Wastage of time and money as well. Better to go for local known painter.