Asian Paint complaint number: 0505137539I recommend not taking Asian paints home solution service ever again. Better to get that done at a much cheaper price with a skilled local vendor. I hired Asian paints service and they hired some local contractor that screwed up literally two of our bed rooms. I paid upfront for three bedrooms.
They did first room- messed up. I asked them not to start second. But I was assured the first will be fixed let the 2nd room start. Finally they messed up both. Thank God they did not start 3rd one. Now the relationship manager Nitin and his boss Navneet Khare paid a visit to our place and started negotiating that we will not refund the 2 bedrooms fully- we will refund for the walls that we have screwed up. Listening to them- I got my patience lost and I asked then how can you be so irrational- A room is a unit - after messing up the room- when is asked for refund- you are cutting corners - that this wall is okay, that part of celling is okay so we will not refund for that- thats ridiculous.
He said no sir; we are just calculating and something. This made no sense to me. Now it has been over three weeks and no response from Asian paints. I did not like to call them- but I had to as my money is stuck with them. Akshay has picked up the phone at call center complaints department. I gave him the complain number 0505137539 and asked him about the status. He said you paid for three rooms- two rooms done and one room not done- so we will refund you the room that was not done but it may take some time. That cracked my patience again. I updated him that Nitin came and said we will refund for other rooms also but I was not satisfied with their approach to calculate refun.
Akshaya was not aware of tis and there were no records for that. This clearly implies that relationship manager Nitin and his boss Navneet Khare never update the management in Asian paints. I will take legal help coz it is not helping