Do not give a any contract to the Asian Paint Home Solution because they are (APHS) giving a Bad Quality of Work and Also Bad Services to their customtakeouter this types of Experience I have got during my Flat painted by APHS in pune in the Month of April – May, 2012 Also avoid a Asian Paint Home Solution Dealer – Shree Services in pune.Before completing the painting job I have inform to their official regarding the wall Cracks which is appeared after the rework done by APHS But they did not responded till 19.07.12 when I have written a mail to Asian Paints on 19.07.12 than after they are running here and there and till date 07.08.12 APHS not solve the my issues for while carrying the work of painting certain damages were done by APHS at my Flat and not return the amount of Rs. 46, 000/- to me , Which is paid to APHS by me and till date APHS not refunded the Rs. 46000/- to me.
They (APHS) are cheating to their customer also they are giving a false commitments to their customer.
So be careful from asian paint home solution and do not give any types of contract to (APHS) them
I have read their (APHS) advertisement which is published in Daily Sakal News Paper – Pune on 30.07.12 Page No 3 that They have mention – Going for Home Painting. Believe on our Word , No any hesitations , Painting Supervision , Qualified Painter , One Year Warranty. No any Hidden Charges/Unknown Charges totally against to this APHS giving me the bad services/ bad quality work during my flat painted
Now see how they are cheating to their customers. So do not believe in APHS