I dont go to Beautiful people Salon and Spa for haircuts but I do go for massage and pedicures.
Massage -
For a the true spa massage experience, I go to Beautiful people. I am sure that I can go to other spas but Beautiful people is close to my home banjara hills. I stumbled upon Tash just shortly after I lost someone near and dear to me and I needed someone to loosen all the knots/burden on my shoulders. She applies the right amount of pressure without even being told how much to apply. I asked her how she knew and she said that she can just feel it. Also, I like how she doesnt constantly talk to you. I am sure everyone has experienced the talkative RMT.
Nail Treatments -
My rule of thumb is to pay for a top notch pedicure at the beginning of sandal season. My favorite was Dana but she left years ago. She had referred me to Karishma. SHE gets the job done. She scrubs and scrubs the dryness away and she also is very convincing in colour choice. Before my recent trip to Cuba over the Christmas break, I was sure that I wanted the ever-so-basic, french pedicure since its pretty natural. KARISHMA convinced me that its the dead of winter and I am going somewhere hot and sunny, so I should choose a bright colour. She picked a coral colour with the right tint to suit my soon-to-be tanned skin. And I am so glad I went with her choice because on the beach, I couldnt stop smiling at my toes!