It is a great organization where excellent work culture prevails. Organization is one of the most professionally run organization. Utmost importance is given to high performers and they are well recognized. Company offers thousands of on-line courses which no organization can dream of.
Organizations work processes are robust and institutionalized with a backing of 110 years of experience. Under the current economic scenario, there are some people who are loosing the job. This fact should be known to everyone who joins a MNC that these companies work on the principle of survival of the fittest. People make good money during the business boom and should be well prepared for the difficult situation.
I have worked for a few Indian private companies earlier. Without any ill feelings to the previous employers, I can see a sea difference in every respect the way this company operates. Working with Bectel was like a dream coming true. I have faced no difficulty in adopting to new culture in just about 2 years. God good international exposure and feel a very confident individual myself. I had no known person before I joined Bechtel. Never-the-less I know some non-performers are busy playing politics and also run into the risk of loosing their jobs.