I am no great authority on cuisine or culinary matters, neither do I know anything about cooking, nevertheless I am a connoisseur of good food and pickles are a must in my meals.
The topic of Bedekars pickles brought back my childhood memories. Those good old days my younger days in Delhi, either one could buy Panipats Panchranga Achaar in a tin pack, or go to old Delhi and buy pickles of your choice from Chawri Bazaar, or make your own pickles at home which my mother used to, Or buy Bedekars pickles available in a bottle pack at many stores. A bottle of Bedekars pickles used to be a compulsory fixture on mothers kitchen shelf, and we have grown up on various varieties of these.
Surprisingly, even after all these years, the brand and the product has survived, and the quality as well as the taste remains unchanged, my kids still love it! I, being more prone to more spicier and different types of pickles prefer Andhra type pickles and there are so many brands available now.
Once on a tour I visited the flagship store of Bedekars in Pune and was surprised to find that their product range was not limited to pickles alone, but many more products used by Maharashtrians as well as Karnatakis.