Many Pickles are there in the markets but only Bedekars pickles are the best, they tastes like homemade pickles.
I like bedekars pickle very much and I always eat them along with food. They are not unhealthy because they doesnt use any chemical preservatives, acetic acid or vinegar to pickles. Other company pickles use chemical preservatives which are unhealthy.
Bedekars Pickles are branded and this company is making pickles from more than 75 years. In my home Bedekars pickles are used to eat along with food since my Grandfather was there their with us.I remember I use to watch ads of Bedekar pickles when I was a school going child and now also when we eat this pickles my memories goes in childhood.
There are many varieties avaliable in this pickles some example like Mango pickle, green chilli pickle, lime pickle, mango chilli pickle, mango lime pickle, Bitter guard mango pickle, lime pickle sweet, vadu mango pickle, sweet mango pickle, I have tasted all this Varieties and all are amazing but my all time favorite is Mango pickle.
These Pickles are so tangy and tasty. Bedekars pickles are so much famous that they are suppied in all over India and outside India like in USA, Canada, Australia, Singapore, UK etc.In almost all over world these pickles are tasted and liked by lakhs of people.It is a pride to our country that this Pickles are tasted and liked by almost around the world.