Hey mates, I have been using Beetel Walk Phone for two years now. I was actually not intending to buy a cordless phone. But when I was walking by a shop, I saw this little quet darling of a cordless phone in Black and White Colors. I instantly went in, queried about the instrument and bought it to my house. I really like the style and size of the phone. I was not having any problems till about 8 months from the date of purchasing the said phone. But then, a problem started happening. When I was talking over the phone, it would get disconnected. It would happen once in a while in the beginning and then it started happening always. As it was under a warranty, I took it to the shop and then got to know that the battery was low. The battery was not getting charged properly. Then I got the battery replaced with a new one. From then it was working fine for another 1 year or so. Again the same problem started happening. Now I know that the battery provided by the company is not of a good quality. So except fo the battery everything about this phone is nice.